
Toddler Activity: Matching Colors With Pom Poms

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Please be sure to judge the safety of this activity for your child. Just because we think this is safe enough for our child, doesn’t mean that it is safe enough for yours. Be sure to watch for potential choking hazards.

If you are like me, you’re constantly looking for ways to both entertain, and educate your toddler. It is definitely no easy task.

Since Graci turned one, we’ve had our hands full trying to provide stimulating activities that keep her interest and help propel her learning. While we have been gifted lovely toys by friends and family, she still manages to get bored somewhat easily.

With this conundrum in mind, my husband and I decided that the solution to keeping her busy wasn’t buying even more toys but was to get creative instead.

One evening, my husband and I headed off to the 99 Cent Store. While there, we picked up several toddler-friendly craft items and a couple of weekly pill cases. After some brainstorming, I came up with my first toddler-friendly activity, which I’ll explain in detail below!

(And, keep an eye out, as there will likely be another pill case-related activity on the blog soon!)

Pom Pom Color Matching Toddler Activity

Supplies Needed:

  1. Pom poms in 7 different colors
  2. Weekly pill case (any size will do as long as you can fit at least one pom pom inside)
  3. White, round stickers (find these in the office supply section)
  4. Markers that have similar colors to your 7 colors of pom poms

Directions (see photos below for more details):

  1. Color your sticker dots in the same 7 colors that your pom poms are in.
  2. Place the colored sticker dots into each daily compartment of the pill case.
  3. Put a colored pom pom that coordinates with the dot into each compartment.
  4. Close all of the compartments.
  5. Done!
Color white sticker dots and place them inside of the compartments.
Place coordinating pom poms inside of the compartments with the colored dot stickers.
Once you have placed pom poms into each compartment, close each lid.

Why This Toddler Activity Is SO GREAT

We have really been enjoying this DIY toddler activity for a few reasons:

  1. It’s super cheap to make! We purchased the pill case and the pack of pom poms for $0.99 each at the 99 Cent Store, and had the stickers and markers at home already. (Check out our Amazon shopping list below if you’d like to have similar supplies shipped to you instead of heading to the store. #momlife, we totally get it!)
  2. Graci loves opening and closing things (which she gets to do 7x times with this activity) and we are really starting to work with her on colors. SCORE.
  3. This entire activity takes up very little space. You could throw it in a diaper bag, leave it in the car, or fit it into your purse.
  4. There is very little mess. When you’re done playing with the pom poms, they store right in the activity itself!
  5. If your toddler loses a piece of the activity (like a pom pom), you can easily replace it!

Shop For Supplies On Amazon

If you don’t have the supplies needed for this DIY toddler-activity already at home and don’t feel like heading to the store, check out these supplies that I found on Amazon.

NOTE: The products that I’ve linked below would easily make 2 of these activities – for instance, the pill cases come in a two-pack, and there are a gazillion pom poms and stickers in the packs linked.

The following links are affiliate links.

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